-Blue lightsaber
-Green lightsaber
-Damaged head
-Damaged forearms
-Chest armor
-Shoulder armor
-Galactic Battle Game card and die
-Display stand
Articulation: ball-joint neck, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, legs and knees; swivel forearms
Wave Designation: Wave 1 (2010)

Unfortunately, as fun as Grievous is on paper, the execution falls apart real quickly. (not literally, like the Exploding General Grievous from the Revenge of the Sith line.) I'd love to start out positively on this figure, but the negatives far outweigh the positives. His body is centered on his toe-claws, so he, like his former mold, can't stand as well as he should. He has articulation almost anywhere you could want, but its so rubbery that a lot of poses lose their form over time. My Grievous has to be balanced on another figure if I want him to stand, and part of me finds that unacceptable. His forearms are detachable, as are his legs to recreate damage from the Lair of Grievous episode. Again, sounds good. But this time it actually looks good. You can give him stumps for arms and a battle damaged face plate to replace his regular one. As a nice nod to the movies Hasbro even made his chest piece removable to show his innards before Mace or Obi-Wan could get to them. So, as I said before, it looks super fun on paper, but his inability to stand is beyond frustrating and the rubberiness makes me worried about its longevity. Bottom line is to pass on it single carded, and either buy it with the Wheel Bike Deluxe pack or the Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack (the Battle Pack features a sniped Captain Rex and Clone Trooper Kix from the Saleucami episodes). It pains me to say that a Clone Wars collection feels incomplete without a Grievous but the figures just aren't where they should be.
Review by Chris Wermeskerch.