-Removable cloak
-Two Force lightning effects
Articulation: Ball-joint neck, shoulders and elbows; swivel wrists and waist
Wave Designation: Wave 2 (2010)

I take the opportunity to review this figure as a high honour: this is a rare figure. Ask most collectors and they'll tell you they probably didn't see any of this wave. I was lucky and found this at Target once, but never saw it again. So is Darth Sidious a figure worth tracking down and having to pay huge prices? Well, let's start positive. He's articulated above the waist. Some people have removed his hood (definitely something that Hasbro did NOT have in mind, since the hood is glued down good) and found a great Palpatine headsculpt. Spoiler alert? He also has some sweet Force lightning accessories that can attach to his wrists and they're not so long that they'll bend over time. He can hold his saber well in one hand. Now for the negatives. There aren't many, but they matter. Oh, do they matter. There is absolutely no articulation below the waist. None. At all. I have him standing on his stand and he leans forward. It's a little awkward. (Editor's Note: I display all of my figures on the new Shadows of the Dark Side stands. Have extras? I take donations.) This dude is so rare, a quick eBay check only pulled up three of them! The price ranged from $20-$70! Got some cash laying around because you found a Wedge at Target, not on eBay for $400? Bottom line: Collectors can get this figure for the sake of their collections. However, Sidious won't fit into many displays anyway since he usually appears as a hologram in the show. Don't overpay and pray Hasbro goes ahead and re-releases him. He's not a great toy, and he can't really even stand around and look nice.
Review by Chris Wermeskerch.