-Blaster cannon
-Blaster rifle
-Galactic Battle Game card and die
-Display stand
Articulation: ball-joint neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees; swivel hips and wrists
Wave Designation: Wave 3 (2010)

Love or hate the Zillo Beast, this may be our only true figure from the duology. The Zillo Beast (named after the famous Earth monster Godzilla) was featured in two episodes and all we have so far from the arc is this figure (based on the Japanese name for Godzilla, “Gojira”) and a generic Battle Pack with Mace Windu, a shiny Clone Trooper and Yoda (which, if loose, would be hard to place in any arc). Goji is based on the Clone Commander Stone mold, which means it has a much more accurate sculpt in its armor compared to the first clone mold, even though it suffers from a smaller range of articulation. This automatically makes him special in my eyes as the sculpt is much better looking, despite his lack of ankles or ball-joint wrists. He's a little taller than the original super articulated clone mold, so he won't sit in your Y-Wing just as well as the old mold did. The Stone mold is either loved or hated by collectors, so it’s hard for me to put a bottom line on this figure. It’s all up to you whether this more show accurate mold is better than a chunkier articulated mold. (Can you tell how I side?)
Review by Chris Wermeskerch.