Articulation: ball-joint neck, shoulders, elbows and knees; swivel wrists, waist and hips
Wave Designation: Wave 3 - Return of the Jedi (2010)

In today's Vintage Collection review we're taking our first look at a figure from the incredible Return of the Jedi wave. We waited over a decade for the super amazing action figure Admiral Ackbar's always deserved ever since the POTF2 Ackbar figure with the very low articulation count that was the standard for that era of collecting. And now it's finally here! This Ackbar figure's pretty dang perfect, aside from just one tiny little flaw. The figure's rank badge isn't accurate. It should be more of a gray square with a separate thinner gray rectangle piece under it, but on the figure it's pretty much just a gray rectangle. But since the badge is separately sculpted and glued on (a feature that's essential for any figure with a rank badge in my opinion) this issue can easily be fixed in a future release. Now that this minor flaw is out of the way, I can get started on all the good stuff! Admiral Ackbar has a remarkably detailed headsculpt! Whenever Hasbro releases a Mon Calamari figure they always seem to nail every little fishy feature of this aquatic race, and Ackbar looks especially spectacular! In fact, it's easily one of the best headsculpts Hasbro has ever produced. It makes it seem like Ackbar jumped out of the screen and into our collections to alert us whenever we're approaching a trap. His arms are also nicely detailed, and the hands can hold his accessories well. Acknar's accessories are also very cool. Although I wish some day we could get Ackbar's chair, the neat looking console included wth this figure is enough to tide me over until that day finally comes. His other acessory is a modern recreation of the baton accessory that was included with the vintage figure back in 1983; and I think that's awesome! Maybe Ackbar could have used a blaster pistol too to add a little more value but overall he's got pretty great accessories. And lastly it's great to finally get an Admiral Ackbar figure with plenty of articulation. Despite not having ankle articulation (which I don't even think is totally neccessary for him) Ackbar's got plenty of poseability and is a lot of fun to play with display ;). Admiral Ackbar is an action figure that every Star Wars collector needs to own! He's just one of many fantastic upgraded figures in the Return of the Jedi wave.
Review by David Delgado.