
-Galactic Battle Game card and die
-Display stand
Articulation: ball-joint neck, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles; swivel hips, wrists and waist
Wave Designation: Wave 4 (2010)

I love astro droids. The Clone Wars astromechs one-up the realistic molds in my eyes because they feature more hidden fun and pack a little more value into a seemingly empty bubble. Their front panels open up to reveal a data-socket arm and a grappling arm, the back panel opens to a tow cable, the head can spin 360 degrees, a periscope is located in the dome, and they feature a removable middle leg. Phew. Astromech droid figures like R4-P17 don't fill the bubble very well but the value is there in just the amount of fun you'll have playing with the figure. The figure fits in splendidly with the Clone Wars Jedi Starfighters. (Don't tell me Obi-Wan wasn't feeling lonely without a droid.) Bottom line? Buy at least one Clone Wars astromech mold. You'll be so glad you did.
Review by Chris Wermeskerch.